Christopher Wratil

Assoz. Prof. Christopher Wratil, B.A. MPhil PhD

Rooseveltplatz 2
1090 Wien
Zimmer: R.126b

T: +43-1-4277-49756

Assoziierter Professor für Government am Institut für Staatswissenschaft

Vor seiner Zeit am Institut für Staatswissenschaft war Christopher Wratil Lecturer in European Politics am University College London. Außerdem hielt er Positionen als John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow am Center for European Studies der Harvard University und als Thyssen Postdoc Fellow am Cologne Center of Comparative Politics der Universität zu Köln. Seinen Doktortitel erwarb er an der London School of Economics and Political Science.

Christopher Wratils Forschungsinteressen liegen in den Bereichen demokratische Repräsentation, politisches Verhalten und öffentliche Meinung, mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf der Politik der Europäischen Union. Seine Forschung untersucht, wie Bürger*innen ihre politischen Ansichten gegenüber demokratischer Politik bilden und ob, wann und wie die politische Eliten diese Ansichten in ihrem Verhalten in Gesetzgebungsorganen repräsentieren. Er interessiert sich auch für methodische Fortschritte in den Bereichen Umfrageexperimente, Textanalyse, multivariate Messmodelle und Zeitreihen-Querschnittsanalysen. Für seine Arbeit über die Responsivität von Regierungen im Rat der EU erhielt Christopher Wratil 2018 einen "Best Article Award" der American Political Science Association.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf Christopher Wratils Webseite und auf Google Scholar.




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Blumenau J, Wolkenstein F, Wratil C. Citizens’ Preferences for Multidimensional Representation. Perspectives on Politics. 2024 Dez 26;1-23. Epub 2024 Dez 26. doi: 10.1017/S1537592724001373

Duell D, Kaftan L, Proksch SO, Slapin J, Wratil C. The Rhyme and Reason of Rebel Support: Exploring European Voters' Attitudes toward Dissident MPs. Political Science Research and Methods. 2024 Apr 1;12(2):301-317. Epub 2023 Aug 9. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2023.26

Wratil C, Wäckerle J, Proksch SO. Government Rhetoric and the Representation of Public Opinion in International Negotiations. American Political Science Review. 2023 Aug 9;117(3):1105-1122. Epub 2022 Dez 9. doi: 10.1017/S0003055422001198

Castanho Silva B, Neuner FG, Wratil C. Populism and Candidate Support in the US: The Effects of “Thin” and “Host” Ideology. Journal of Experimental Political Science. 2023 Jun 16;10(3):438-447. Epub 2022 Jun 16. doi: 10.1017/XPS.2022.9

Duell D, Kaftan L, Slapin J, Proksch SO, Wratil C. Communicating the Rift: Voter Perceptions of Intraparty Dissent in Parliaments. Journal of Politics. 2023 Jan 1;85(1):76-91. doi: 10.1086/720645

Wolkenstein F, Wratil C. Political Representation as Communicative Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2023. (Cambridge Elements in Political Communication).

Franchino F, Kayser MA, Wratil C. Electoral Competitiveness and Responsiveness: Rational Anticipation in the EU Council. Journal of European Public Policy. 2021 Nov 3;29(1):42-60. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2021.1991986

Castanho Silva B, Wratil C. Voters can become more populist if parties don’t represent their views LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) blog. 2021.

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Publikationen vor Anstellung an der Universität Wien:


2020 ‘Contestation and Responsiveness in EU Council Deliberations’, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 27:3, pp. 362-381. (with Sara B. Hobolt)

2019 ‘Public Deliberations in the Council of the European Union: Introducing and Validating the DICEU Approach’, in: European Union Politics, 20:3, pp. 511-533. (with Sara B. Hobolt)

2019 ‘Representing the Compromise: How Institutions Serve Government Support Coalitions in European Union Policy-Making’, in: European Journal of Political Research, 58:4, pp. 1129-1151. (with Fabio Franchino)

2019 ‘Testing the Validity of Automatic Speech Recognition for Political Text Analysis’, in: Political Analysis, 27:3, pp. 339-359. (with Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jens Wäckerle)

2019 ‘Territorial Representation and the Opinion-Policy Linkage: Evidence from the European Union’, in: American Journal of Political Science, 63:1, pp. 197-211.

2018 ‘Modes of Government Responsiveness in the European Union: Evidence from Council Negotiation Positions’, in: European Union Politics, 19:1, pp. 52-74.

2018 ‘Dodging the Bullet: How Crises Trigger Technocrat-Led Governments’, in: European Journal of Political Research, 57:2, pp. 450-72. (with Giulia Pastorella)

2017 ‘Government Responsiveness in the European Union: Evidence from Council Voting’, in: Comparative Political Studies, 50:6, pp. 850-67. (with Sara Hagemann and Sara B. Hobolt)

Winner of the APSA European Politics & Society Section ‘Best Article Award’ 2018

2015 ‘Public Opinion and the Crisis: The Dynamics of Support for the Euro’, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 22:2, pp. 238-256. (with Sara B. Hobolt)