Bartolomeo Cappellina, PhD

Rooseveltplatz 2
1090 Wien
Zimmer: R.125

T: +43-1-4277-49710

Bartolomeo Cappellina is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC MULTIREP project. Previously, he worked in other projects studying the views of lay citizens on political institutions and policy (political system, economic inequalities, justice system), in the ANR UNEQUALCITIZEN project (Sciences Po Bordeaux), the ERC POLINEQUAL project (Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA), and the JustiRep project (Sciences Po Bordeaux) funded by the French Ministry of Justice. He also worked on the Norface GOVERNANCE RUDE project (Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA) comparing the rural-urban divides in Europe, and in the ANR-DFg EfSoLaw project (Sciences Po Grenoble) questioning the effects of soft law in the EU multilevel system.

He completed his PhD at Sciences Po Bordeaux – University of Bordeaux in 2018 with a thesis on the role of European institutions as drivers of organisational change in courts, studying the cases of France and Italy. His work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals in English and French such as European Union Politics, International Review of Public Policy, Droit et Société, and French Politics. He is the co-author of a book, La Justice en examen (Paris, PUF) published in 2022.



Brookes K, Cappellina B (2023). ‘Political behaviour in France: The impact of the rural-urban divide’, French Politics, 21 (1),

Cappellina B, Ausfelder A, Eick A, Mespoulet R, Hartlapp M, Saurugger S, Terpan F (2022). ‘Ever More Soft Law? A dataset to compare binding and non-binding EU law across policy areas and over time (2004-2019)’, European Union Politics, 23 (4), 741-757.

Vigour C, Cappellina B, Dumoulin L, Gautron V (2022), La justice en examen, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 436 p.

Cappellina B (2022), « Changer l’action publique par la comparaison : la légitimation d’une gouvernance européenne dans l’administration de la justice »,  Les Cahiers de la Justice, 9 (3), 435-446.

Cappellina B, Vigour C (2020). Accès et recours différenciés au droit et aux tribunaux civils. Étude des représentations et modes de réception de la justice. Droit et Société, 106(3), 603-622.

Cappellina B (2020). Legitimising EU Governance through Performance Assessment Instruments. European Indicators for a Judicial Administration Policy. International Review of Public Policy, 2(2), 141-158. URL:

Cappellina B (2017), « Quantifier la qualité de la justice, entre droits de l’homme et modernisation », Revue Française de Socio-Economie, 19(2), pp. 27-46.

Cappellina B (2017), « Évaluer l’administration de la justice dans les pays européens. Une co-construction entre Union Européenne et Conseil de l’Europe », Revue Française d’Administration Publique, 161 (1), pp. 59-72.