Current Positions
Head of Department of the Department of Government
Deputy Director of the Research Centre ‘Vienna Centre for Electoral Research – VieCER’
Director of the Research Network ‘Interdisziplinäre Werteforschung’
Member of the Commission for Appeal at the University of Vienna
Member of the Board of Directors of the Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA)
Scientific Director of the Study Programme Library and Information Studies
1998-2002 | Doctorate, University of Vienna, Political Science |
1998-2000 | Postgraduate Scholar at the Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna |
1993-1998 | M.A. (Magisterium), University of Vienna, Political Science and Communication Science |
1997-1999 | Course on Market and Opinion Research at the University of Vienna |
Professional Experience
2023-present | Director of the Research Network 'Interdisziplinäre Werteforschung' |
2023-2025 | External examiner for Trinity College Dublin PhD Program |
2022-present | Board Member of the Research Network 'Data Science' |
10/2022-12/2022 | Visiting Professor at LUISS, Rome, Italy |
2021-present | Member of the GESIS Coordination Group ‘International Surveys’ |
2021-present | Scientific Director of the Study Programme Library and Information Studies |
2020-2023 | Co-Principal Investigator of the Austrian Corona Panel Project (ACPP) |
2019-2022 | Deputy Director of the Department of Government |
2018-2023 | Member of the Methods Advisory Board (MAB) of the European Social Survey ERIC |
2017-present | Deputy Director of the Research Centre “Vienna Centre for Electoral Research – VieCER” |
2017-present | Deputy Director of the Research Network 'Interdisziplinäre Werteforschung' |
2017-2019 | Co-Principal Investigator of the Austrian Cooperative Infrastructure for Electoral Research (ACIER) |
2016-present | Scientific Director of the Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA) |
2016-2019 | Member of the Senate of the University of Vienna |
2008-present | Professor at the Summer School of the University of Vienna (SHS, Strobl) |
2007-present | Full Professor for Methods in the Social Sciences at the University of Vienna |
2007-2015 | Head of Department of Methods in the Social Sciences, University of Vienna |
06/2015-07/2015 | Guest-Researcher at the University of Landau-Koblenz |
09/2012-01/2013 | Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) |
2012-2014 | Local Academic Convenor of the ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques |
2009-2011 | Director of the Ph.D. Study Programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna |
4/2011 | Visiting Professor at the Danube-University Krems |
2009 | Erasmus Exchange Professor at the University of Keele and at Trinity College DublinGuest Professor at the University of Podgorica (Montenegro) (Programme by the Austrian Development Agency) |
2003-2007 | Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Department of Political Science |
10/2005 | Visiting Professor at the Danube-University Krems |
2005-2006 | Lecturer at the Department of Government, University of Vienna |
2002-2003 | Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Dublin University, Trinity College |
2001-2002 | Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, Dublin University, Trinity College |
2000 | TMR young scholar candidate of the research unit ‘Institutions and Social Change’, WZB (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin) |
2000 | Assistant at the Department of Government, University of Vienna |
1998-2000 | Teaching Assistant at the Department of Government, University of Vienna |
Other Academic Activities
2023 | Co-Organizer of the Workshop Generations and Political Change at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Toulouse, France (together with Wouter van der Brug, University of Amsterdam) |
2022-present | Board Member of the Austrian Society for European Politics (ÖGfE) |
2022-present | Board Member of the Future Panel Upper Austria |
2021 | Co-Organizer of the Workshop Early Voting and Electoral Integrity at the ECPR Joint Sessions (virtual) (together with Aiko Wagner, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin) |
2020 | Co-Organizer of the RECONNECT Workshop The European Elections and Beyond (virtual event) (together with Carolina Plescia and Felix Krejca, University of Vienna) |
2020-present | Member of the Covid-19 Future Operations Platform, Working Group “Society / Psycho-Social Aspects” |
2019-2021 | Member of SSHOC (Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud project) |
2017-2019 | Referee Representative for the Social Sciences and the Humanities at the Austrian National Bank (Jubiläumsfonds) |
2018 | Organizer of the PUMA-Symposium 2018 (Platform for Survey, Methods and Empirical Analysis) |
2016-2021 | Associated Editor Journal of Elections Public Opinion and Parties (JEPOP) |
2013 | Panel Chair at the ECPR General Conference in Bordeaux/France (Panel: Attribution of Blame) Co-Organizer of the Workshop Electoral Competitiveness in Cross-National Research: Challenges and New Directions at the ECPR Joint Sessions in Mainz/Germany (together with Susan Banducci, University of Exeter, and Heiko Giebler, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin) |
2012-present | Steering Committee Member of the Working Group on Financial Crisis of the Austrian Research Association (Chair: Thomas Gehrig) |
2012 | Co-Organizer of the Workshop Overtime Analysis in Comparative Research at the University of Vienna within the network program Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 2 of the European Science Foundation (together with Karen Phalet) |
2011-2015 | Co-Convenor of the ECPR-Standing Group on Public Opinion and Voting Behaviour in a Comparative Perspective (together with Oddbjørn Knutsen) |
2011 | Panel Chair at the ECPR General Conference in Reykjavik/Iceland (Panel: Issue and EP Elections) |
2010-present | Steering Committee Member of the Working Group on the Future of Democracy in Austria of the Austrian Research Association (Chair: Reinhard Heinisch) |
2010 | Co-Director of the Workshop Electoral Change in the 21th century: de-alignment or re-alignment at the ECPR Joint Sessions in Münster/Germany (together with Wouter van der Brug, University of Amsterdam) |
2009-2013 | Steering Committee Member of the COST-Action The True European Voter: A Strategy For Analysing the Prospects of European Electoral Democracy That Includes the West, the South and the East of the Continent |
2009 | Section Co-Chair at the ECPR General Conference in Potsdam/Germany (Section: Policy Representation Comparative Perspective) (together with Gail McElroy, Trinity College Dublin) Co-Organizer of the Workshop Quality and Comparability of Measures for Constructs in Comparative Research: Methods and Applications at the University of Bolzano (Italy) within the network program Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 2 of the European Science Foundation (together with Willem Saris and Eldad Davidov) |
2008 | Board Member ‚Sozialwissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung für Wien’ (Research in Social Sciences in Vienna) Board Member ‘Studie zur sozialökonomischen Situation von Doktoratsstudierenden an der sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien’ (Study on the social and economic situation of Doctoral students at the Social Sciences Faculty of the University of Vienna) |
2008-2012 | Steering Committee Member of the European Science Foundation scientific programme ‘Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 2’ (QMSS2) |
2006/2007 | Steering Committee Member of the European Science Foundation scientific programme ‘Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences’ (QMSS) |
Autumn 2005 | Panel Chair and Discussant at the ECPR-General Conference, Budapest, in the Section “Europeanisation, Governance and Political Changes: Empirical Investigation and Theoretical Reflections” |
2004/2005 | Secretary General of the Austrian Political Science Association |
April 2004 | Member of the platform ‘EU research infrastructure’ initiated by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture |
Autumn 2004 | Expert in the ex-post evaluation procedure of the Belgian Federal Science Policy office |
2003/2004 | Expert of the EU-working group ‘Research Infrastructure in Social Sciences and Humanities’ |
Referee | American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Acta Politica, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education, |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), European Integration online Papers (EioP), European Journal of Political Research, European Political Science Review, Electoral Studies, European Union Politics, Austrian Journal of Political Science (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft), | |
International Journal of Press/Politics, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Politics, National Endowment for the Humanities, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Oxford University Press, Party Politics, Political Analysis, Political Behavior, Political Communication, Political Psychology, Political Studies, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Public Opinion Quarterly, Representation, Research and Politics, West European Politics, Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group), Pluto Press, Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), European Research Council, DG-Research – Horizon 2020. | |
Editor | Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica (RISP)/Italian Politial Science Review (together with Lorenzo de Sio) |
Editorial Board Member | West European Politics, European Union Politics, Elections and Representation (Special Section of Frontiers in Political Science) |
Advisory Board Member | University of Exeter Q-Step Centre, Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale – Italian Journal of Electoral Studies |
Scientific Council Member | BLUE – Elections in Europe |
Board Member | Austrian Society for European Politics, Future Panel Upper Austria |
Additional Academic Training
Summer 2005 | Participation in the ECPR Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis in Essex, UK (Course on Time Series Analysis) |
Jan.2002 | Participation in the TMR Winter School on Comparative Electoral Research, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium |
Summer 2001 | Participation in the ICPSR Summer School in Statistics and Mathematics in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA (Courses on Regression Analysis and Minimum Likelihood Analysis) |
Jan. 2001 | Participation in the TMR Winter School on Comparative Electoral Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
July 2000 | Participation in the European Summer School in Comparative Politics 1998-2000 on ‘Europeanisation of national politics: challenges and opportunities for European Institutions’, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy |
July 1998 | Participation in the IES-Summer School on ‘Europe and Liberty’, Gummersbach, Germany |
Awards, Grants and Scholarships
2023 | Contract Research by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) on "Science Scepticism" [with Julia Partheymüller and Jakob-Moritz Eberl] |
2023-2027 | Research Grant by the EU’s MSCA Training Network “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Politics of Adolescence & Democracy” [Lead: University of Amsterdam (Uva); with Markus Wagner, Claus Lamm and Giorgia Silani] |
2022 | Contract Research by the Parlamentsdirektion of the Austrian National Council on “Open Data Kooperation” [with Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik, Torsten Möller, Laura Koesten] |
2022-2025 | Research Grant from the EU’s Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Programme on “Neo-authoritarianisms in Europe and the liberal democratic response - AUTHLIB” [Lead: Central European University; with Hajo Boomgaarden] |
2022-2025 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research on ‘MEDem: Monitoring Electoral Democracy’ [with Hajo Boomgaarden] |
2021 | Research Grant by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) on „The Future of Demcoracy in the Digital Era” [with Hajo Boomgaarden, Sophie Lecheler, Carolina Plescia, Carsten Schneider and Reinhard Heinisch] |
2020-2022 | Research Grant of the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) on “Logistics Decision Support in the Pandemic Crisis” [with Karl Dörner (PI), Immanuel Bomze, Radu Ioan Bot, Margaretha Gansterer and Daniele Vigo] |
2020-2022 | Research Grant of the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) on “Austrian Corona Panel Project“ [with Bernhard Kittel (PI), Barbara Prainsack and Hajo Boomgaarden] |
2020-2024 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research on ‘Digitize! Computational Social Sciences in the Social and Digital Transformation’ [with Universities of Graz, Linz and Salzburg] |
2019-2020 | Contract Research by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research on ‘Mapping social science research infrastructures in Austria’ |
2018-2022 | Research Grant from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Programme on ‘Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law – Reconnect” (GA No. 770142) [18 Partners, Lead: University of Leuven] |
2017-2019 | Research Centre “Vienna Centre for Electoral Research – VieCER” at the University of Vienna [with Wolfgang C. Müller and Hajo G. Boomgaarden] |
2017 | Contract Research by the Parlamentsdirektion of the Austrian National Council on ‘Voting at 16’ |
2017-2019 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy on ‘Austrian Cooperative Infrastructure for Electoral Research’ (ACIER) (Hochschulraum-Strukturmittel) (Co-Principal Investigator) [with University of Salzburg and University of Innsbruck] |
2017-2019 | Research Grant of the Austrian National Bank (Jubiläumsfonds) on ‘Voters in Turmoil: Immigration, Political Discontent, Populism and Vote Choice in the 2018 National Election in Austria’ [with Carolina Plescia and Markus Wagner (Department of Government)] |
2016-2019 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy on ‘Austrian Social Science Data Archive’ (AUSSDA) [with University of Graz and University of Linz] |
2015-2019 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy on ‘European Value Study’ (EVS) [with Roland Verwiebe (Department of Sociology) and Christian Friesl (Department of Practical Theology)] |
2014-2018 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy on ‘Platform for survey research, methods and empirical analyses’ (PUMA) (Hochschulraum-Strukturmittel) [with Statistics Austria, University of Linz and University of Innsbruck] |
2013 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth on ‘Voting at 16’ |
2013 | Contract Research by the Parlamentsdirektion of the Austrian National Council on ‘Voting at 16’ |
9/2012-1/2013 | Fellowship at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, The Netherlands |
2012 | Sponsorship Award of the Futura-Foundation, Bolzano, Italy |
2011-2012 | Research Grant of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) on ‘Informationskrieg im Internet: Monitoring zur Datensicherheit in Österreich’ (‘Information war’ in the web space: monitoring of data security in Austria) (Call ‘Security Research’ (KIRAS)) [Partner Organizations: Technical University of Vienna, Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Austrian Federal Chancellery] – Responsible to study Austrian public opinion towards data security in the web. |
2009-2013 | ELECDEM-Project (Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN)): FP7 People Project (Training Network in Electoral Democracy) [Partner Organizations: University of Exeter, University of Amsterdam, University of Mannheim, Oxford, University, Institute for Public Affairs (Bratislava), Central European University, Sabanci University, TNS Opinion, Kieskompas, European University Institute] |
2009-2010 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research on CESSDA-ERIC (I and II) [with WISDOM, Vienna] |
2009 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research on a pre-election study for the European Parliament Elections 2009 (EPELC) |
2009-2016 | Research Grant of the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) on ‘Austrian National Election Study’ (AUTNES) (National Research Network) |
2008-2009 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour on ‘Effects of Unemployment’ (EFDA) |
2008-2011 | Research Grant of the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) on ‘Representation in Europe: Policy Congruence between Citizens and Elites’ (REPCONG) |
2008-2013 | PIREDEU-Project (Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union): FP7 Infrastructure Project (Design Study for research infrastructure in all S&T fields) |
2008 | Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research on ‘Feasibility Study for a Qualitative Data Archive in Austria’ (QUALARCH) |
2001-2002 | TMR-Doctoral Studies’ Grant, European Commission |
1998-2000 | Doctoral Studies’ Grant, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna |
Service at the University of Vienna and to the Scientific Community
Presentations and Media Appearance
Future of Europe. How to strengthen the EU’s fundamental values’, Brussels and Online (19-21 April).
Europe, 8th edition, “Parliamentary Elections and Democratic Accountability in the Age of Populism” 8-19 July 2019, LUISS, School of Government, Rome, Italy.
11.09.2017 Interview with uni:view ‚Unehrlichkeit können wir nie ausschließen‘
Summer term 2024 | MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with Bettina Stadler), Research Practice Seminar ‘Political Socialization’ |
Winter term 2023/24 | Lecture ‘Political Attitudes and Voting Behaviour’, General Graduate Seminar, Graduate Seminar ‘Introduction to Research Design from a Quantitative Perspective’ |
Summer term 2023 | Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter term 2022/23 | Lecture ‘Political Science’ at LUISS, Rome (with Lorenzo de Sio) |
Summer term 2022 | MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with Bettina Stadler), General Graduate Seminar, Master Thesis Seminar, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter term 2021/22 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data’, Research Practice Seminar ‘Representation and Inequality’, Master Thesis Seminar |
Summer term 2021 | MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with Bettina Stadler), MA-Seminar ‘Political Communication, Lecture ‘Theories on Public Opinion and Electoral Behaviour’, General Graduate Seminar, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter term 2020/21 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data’, Lecture ‘Theories on Public Opinion and Electoral Behaviour’, MA-Seminar ‘Political socialization’, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design and Causal Models in the Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2020 | MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with Bettina Stadler), MA-Seminar ‘Political socialization’, MA-Seminar ‘Politics and Populism’, Lecture ‘Theories on Public Opinion and Electoral Behaviour’ |
Winter Term 2019/20 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data’, Research Practice Seminar ‘Political Communication’, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design and Causal Models in the Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2019 | MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with Bettina Stadler), General Graduate Seminar, MA-Seminar ‘Representation and Inequality’, MA-Seminar ‘Political socialization, political communication and political participation’, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter term 2018/19 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data’, Lecture ‘Theories on Public Opinion and Electoral Behaviour’, MA-Seminar ‘Politics and Polarization’, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design and Causal Models in the Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2018 | MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with Bettina Stadler), General Graduate Seminar, MA-Seminar ‘Politics and Populism’, Doctoral Research Colloquium ‘Media and Politics’, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter Term 2017/18 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data’, Research Practice Seminar ‘Representation and Inequality’, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design in the Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2017 | MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with Bettina Stadler), General Graduate Seminar, MA-Seminar ‘Politics and Polarization’, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter Term 2016/17 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data’, Research Practice Seminar ‘Representation and Inequality’, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design in the Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2016 | Doctoral Research Colloquium ‘Media and Politics’, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter term 2015/16 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data’, General Graduate Seminar, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design in the Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2015 | MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with David Johann), PhD Seminar ‘Theories of Political Representation and Empirical Application, MA Research Practice ‘Electoral Behaviour in Europe – From a Research Proposal to Empirical Analysis’, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter term 2014/15 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data’, General Graduate Seminar, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design in the Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2014 | MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with David Johann), General Graduate Seminar, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter term 2013/14 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’, General Graduate Seminar, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design in the Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2013 | MA-Seminar ‘Electoral Behaviour’, MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with David Johann), General Graduate Seminar, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Summer term 2012 | MA-Seminar ‘Electoral Behaviour’, MA-Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’ (with David Johann), General Graduate Seminar, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School) |
Winter term 2011/12 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’, General Graduate Seminar, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design in the Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2011 | General Graduate Seminar, Lecture ‘European Political Systems in Comparative Perspective’ (Summer School), Doctoral Seminar ‘Theories in Political Behaviour’ |
Winter term 2010/11 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’, General Graduate Seminar |
Summer term 2010 | General Graduate Seminar, Lecture ‘European Political Systems’ (Summer School) |
Winter term 2009/10 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’, General Graduate Seminar |
Summer term 2009 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’, Lecture ‘European Parliament Elections: Voters’ Decisions and Media Analysis’, General Graduate Seminar |
Winter term 2008/09 | Lecture ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’, Lecture ‘European Parliament Elections: Voters’ Decisions and Media Analysis’, General Graduate Seminar, Graduate Seminar ‘Regression Models in Social Sciences’ |
Summer term 2008 | Lecture ‘European Political Systems’ (Summer School), Lecture ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design in Empirical Social Research’, Graduate Seminar ‘Regression Models in Social Sciences’. |
Winter term 2007/08 | Undergraduate Course ‘Quantitative Methods in Political Science’, Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design in Social Science’, University of Vienna, Institute of Political Science |
Academic year 2006/07 | PhD-Coaching, Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Political Science. |
Summer term 2006 | Undergraduate Seminar ‘Political Parties and European Integration. The Europeanisation of national and European political parties’, University of Vienna, Department of Governance. |
Academic year 2005/06 | PhD-Coaching, Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Political Science. |
Summer term 2005 | Graduate Seminar ‘Quantitative Methods in Theory and Practice’, Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Political Science. Undergraduate Seminar ‘Public Opinion in the European Integration Process: Factors of support’, University of Vienna, Department of Governance. PhD-Coaching, Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Political Science. Graduate seminar (approx. 20 sessions with discussions of participants’ draft dissertation outlines), Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna (in collaboration with Gerda Falkner, Irina Michalowitz and Oliver Treib). |
Winter term 2004/05 | Graduate Seminar ‘Research Design’, Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Political Science. Graduate Seminar ‘Qualitative Methods in Political Science’, Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Political Science (with Gerda Falkner, Irina Michalowitz and Oliver Treib). Course ‘The political system of the EU’, Danube-University Krems. |
Additional Skills
German: Native Speaker
Italian, English: fluent
French: basic knowledge
Computer Skills: Power Point, Word, Excel, Stata, E-views, SPSS
Media Training for Print and Electronic Media
Scopus Author ID: 24831960500
Presenting the working paper "What justifies voting for underperforming authoritarian leaders?", co-authored with Carolina Plescia and Sylvia Kritzinger
Anna Lia Brunetti (Selected presenter), Carolina Plescia (Contributor) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Voting Advice Applications in Austria
Katharina Pfaff (Speaker) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Presenting the working paper "What justifies voting for underperforming authoritarian leaders?", co-authored with Carolina Plescia and Sylvia Kritzinger
Anna Lia Brunetti (Selected presenter), Carolina Plescia (Contributor) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
AI and the Endangered Freedom of Democratic Participation
Nikolaus Forgó (Speaker) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Presenting the working paper "What justifies voting for underperforming authoritarian leaders?", co-authored with Carolina Plescia and Sylvia Kritzinger
Anna Lia Brunetti (Selected presenter), Carolina Plescia (Contributor) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Considering Respondents’ Preferences: The Effects of Self-Selecting Political Content in Web Survey Questionnaires
Katharina Pfaff (Speaker) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
“Holding onto the Basket Despite a 'Bad Apple’: Experimental Insights into Perceptions of Political Misbehavior Across 15 European Countries”
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Die EP-Wahlen und Missinformation
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Holding onto the Basket Despite a Bad Apple: Experimental Insights into Perceptions of Scandals Across 15 European Countries
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Considering Respondents’ Preferences: The Effects of Self-Selecting the Content in Web Survey Questionnaires
Katharina Pfaff (Speaker), Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor), Sebastian Tschiatschek (Contributor) & Daniel Weitzel (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Considering Respondents’ Preferences: The Effects of Self-Selecting the Content in Web Survey Questionnaires
Katharina Pfaff (Speaker) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Making democracy work for everyone
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Playing Favorites: Selective Attribution and Judgement Flexibility in Scandal Perception in 15 European Countries
Beatriz Lasheras Mas (Speaker), Julia Partheymüller (Speaker), Carolina Plescia (Contributor) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
The Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES): Research Design and Survey Methods
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker) & Julia Partheymüller (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
When Accountability Fails: Understanding Voter Inaction in the Face of Political Scandals
Beatriz Lasheras Mas (Speaker), Julia Partheymüller (Speaker), Carolina Plescia (Speaker) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Quid Pro Quota? The Effects of Incentives on Survey Participation
Katharina Pfaff (Contributor), Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker) & Daniel Weitzel (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Automated Split Questionnaire Design: The Way Forward in Survey Research?
Katharina Pfaff (Contributor), Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker), Sebastian Tschiatschek (Contributor) & Daniel Weitzel (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Online Surveys: a Blessing or a Curse? Evidence from the Digitize! Online Panel
Katharina Pfaff (Speaker) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Automated Split Questionnaire Design: The Way Forward in Survey Research?
Katharina Pfaff (Speaker), Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor), Sebastian Tschiatschek (Contributor) & Daniel Weitzel (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Digitize! Aufbau eines offline rekrutierten Panels: Lessons Learned und Best Practices
Katharina Pfaff (Speaker) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
The Future of the EU Post-Brexit: What Do Citizens Want?
Julia Partheymüller (Speaker), Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor), David Brandl (Contributor) & Carolina Plescia (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
The Future of the EU Post-Brexit: What Do Citizens Want?
Julia Partheymüller (Speaker), David Brandl (Contributor), Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor) & Carolina Plescia (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Austria and Hungary: The European Parliament Elections 2019 and Citizens' Perspectives
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
The 2019 European Parliament Elections
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
'Unsere Werte' Welche Werte sind das eigentlich?
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Wertewandel? Die Europäische Wertestudie 1990-2018
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
European Citizens and the Future: European Parliament Elections and Citizens’ Perspectives
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Representation challenged: responsiveness, responsibility and populist parties’
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Women’s perspectives over time: Findings from the European Value Survey 2018
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Putting turnout at voting age 16 in context
Julian Aichholzer (Speaker), Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor) & Eva Zeglovits (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Flawed elections and young voters' trust in democracy
Jakob-Moritz Eberl (Speaker), Konstantin Glinitzer (Speaker), Veronika Heider (Speaker), Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker) & Markus Wagner (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Improving Recall of Past Political Behaviour: Results from a question-wording Experiment in Austria, Germany and the UK
Carolina Plescia (Contributor), Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker) & Markus Wagner (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Flawed elections and young voters’ trust in democracy: The case of the 2016 Austrian presidential election
Jakob-Moritz Eberl (Speaker), Konstantin Glinitzer (Speaker), Veronika Heider (Speaker), Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker) & Markus Wagner (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Intra-cabinet and intra-party conflict and retrospective voting
Carolina Plescia (Speaker) & Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Wählen mit 16
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Ziele und Herausforderungen einer österreichischen Plattform für Umfragen, Methoden und empirische Analysen (PUMA)
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nationalratswahl 2013: Was hat Österreich bewegt?
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
The influence of news media stories on public EU support: story and actor evaluation as driving forces
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Information, Party Placement and Electoral Competition
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Religious Voting in Austria: Determinants and Developments
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Support for the FPÖ and its repercussion for the established mainstream parties SPÖ and ÖVP
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Sequencing Effekte: Links‐Rechts‐Positionierung und weitere Instrumententests in AUTNES
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
EU issue voting
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
In the Long-run to the Short-term. Explanations of voting behaviour shifting from social to the political context.
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Reducing overreporting of voter turnout in seven European countries – results from a survey experiment
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Demokratie, Repräsentation, Wahlen: Umfragetechnische Erfassung und vorhandene Datensätze’
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
In the Long-run to the Short-term – and back? Explanations of voting behavior shifting from social to the political context
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
In the Long-run to the Short-term – and back? Explanations of voting behaviour shifting from social to the political context.
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Religion and vote choice: Evidence from Austria
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Forschungsmethoden in der Wahlforschung
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
How are they different? Comparing supporters of the radical right and mainstream parties in Austria
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Religion und Wahlverhalten in Österreich
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Instrumententest Wahlbeteiligungsreporting
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Instrumententests mit kognitiven Pretest Interviews
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Voting at 16: Turnout and the Quality of Vote Choice
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Voting at 16: Turnout and the Quality of Vote Choice
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
The State of Electoral Studies in Europe
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Reducing Overreporting in the Voter Turnout Question
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Zum Politikverständnis der ÖsterreicherInnen
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Regional Impact on Congruence
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Meaningful Choice?
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
The State of Electoral Studies in Europe
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Regional Differences in Congruence between Voter and Government
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Regional Differences in Congruence between Voter and Government
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Meaningful Choices? Voter perceptions of party positions in European Elections
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Voters’ dimensionality of political issues space in 15 countries
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Voting at 16
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Trust in Legal Institutions
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Meaningful Choices? Voter perceptions of party positions in European Elections
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Issue voting in Austria
Sylvia Kritzinger (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
The Dimensionality of the Political Space
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Governance Modi und Interessen
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Innovation und Governance: Der Einfluss von Interessen
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Kostendruck oder Qualitätssicherung? Gemischte Erhebungsinstrumente in der Umfrageforschung
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Applied Policy Research: Conflicts between Methods or Pluralism of Methods?
Sylvia Kritzinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Die Entwicklung einer Europäische Identität: eine statistische Analyse
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Changes in the Political Space? Parties' Positions due to European Integration
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Public Opinion and European Identity
Sylvia Kritzinger (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Department of Government
Kolingasse 14-16
1090 Wien
Room: 06.50
T: +43-1-4277-49902