Carolina Plescia

Assoz. Prof. Carolina Plescia, BA MA PhD

Deputy Head

Kolingasse 14-16
1090 Wien
Room: 06.56

T: +43-1-4277-49904

Associate Professor for Digital Democracy

Short bio: Carolina Plescia is Associate Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Vienna. Currently she is the PI of the ERC starting grant project DeVOTE (2021-2025) which examine the meanings of voting for ordinary citizens, their causes and consequences. Before joining the Department of Government at the University of Vienna, Carolina Plescia was Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the University of Bologna and FWF Hertha Firnberg scholar at the University of Vienna on a grant from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to study the consequences of coalition government compromise on public opinion. She completed her PhD at Trinity College Dublin in November 2013 with a dissertation on electoral behaviour under mixed electoral systems, under the supervision of Professors Michael Marsh and Kenneth Benoit. Her Ph.D. dissertation has been awarded the ECPR Jean Blondel PhD Prize for the best thesis in Politics in 2014. 

Research interests:

  • public opinion
  • comparative electoral behaviour
  • coalition governments
  • representation
  • experimental survey methods
  • role of data in democratic processes


You can find more information on Carolina's website and on Google scholar.