Lic. Mag. Maria Belen Abdala
Kolingasse 14-16
1090 Wien
Room: 06.55
María Belén Abdala holds a PhD/Prae-Doc position within the ERC Project DeVOTE at the Department of Government of the University of Vienna. Previously, she worked as Coordinator of the Political Institutions Program at the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth (CIPPEC) in Argentina, where she led applied research projects related to electoral reform, electoral administration and representation. Belén has also served as a consultant for national and sub-national governments, evaluating the implementation of public policies. Graduate in Political Science from Universidad de San Andrés and Master in Political Science from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, her main research areas include electoral rules, voting behaviour, party competition and the link between technology, institutions and politics.
Publications in peer reviewed journals
- Abdala, María Belén; Scherlis, Gerardo and Tchintian, Carolina. Political Parties and the pandemic. Forthcoming in Revista Democracias.
- Abdala, María Belén and Antenucci, Pedro. (2016). Evaluación de los efectos de la boleta única electrónica evidencia experimental de las elecciones en Chaco 2015. [Evaluation of the effects of e-voting: Experimental evidence from the elections in Chaco 2015]. Revista SAAP (ISSN 1666-7883) Vol. 10, Nº 2, November 2016, 339-354.
Policy briefs and memos
- Abdala, María Belén; Scherlis, Gerardo and Tchintian, Carolina. (2020). Elecciones 2021 en Argentina. Los desafíos de la desinformación a la integridad democrática. [2021 elections in Argentina. Disinformation and electoral integrity]. CIPPEC Policy Report.
- Tchintian, Carolina; Tullio, Alejandro and Abdala, María Belén. (2020). Elecciones argentinas 2021: ¿cómo organizar los comicios subnacionales en escenarios de pandemia o pospandemia? [2021 elections in Argentina: how to organize subnational elections in pandemic and postpandemic scenarios]. CIPPEC Policy Report.
- Abdala, María Belén; Gerardo, Scherlis, and Tchintian, Carolina. (2020). Congresos y partidos en América Latina: el antes y después de la pandemia [Political parties and congresses in Latin America: before and after the pandemic]. CIPPEC Policy Report.
- Tchintian, Carolina; Abdala, María Belén and Seira, Iván. (2020). Legislando desde casa. Recomendaciones para el funcionamiento remoto del Congreso en Argentina. [Legislating from home. Recommendations for remote Congress in Argentina]. CIPPEC Memo.
- Tchintian, Carolina; Abdala, María Belén and Seira, Iván. (2020). Legislando desde casa. La experiencia de los congresos en el contexto actual y sus posibles aplicaciones en Argentina. [Legislating from home. International experience and possible implications for Argentina]. CIPPEC Memo.
- Abdala, María Belén; Ortega, Andrés and Pomares, Julia. (2020). Managing the transition to a multi-stakeholder artificial intelligence governance. Think 20 Policy Brief.
- Pomares, Julia and Abdala, María Belén. (2020). The Future of AI Governance. Global Solutions Initiative Journal: Issue 5.
- Abdala, María Belén; Iparraguirre, Ana; Lacroix Eussler, Santiago; Maunier, Mercedes; and Nielsen Obieta, Mateo. (2020). El impacto del primer debate presidencial obligatorio en Argentina [The impact of the first mandatory presidential debate in Argentina]. CIPPEC Policy Report.