Assoz. Prof. Christopher Wratil, B.A. MPhil PhD
Rooseveltplatz 2
1090 Wien
Room: R.126b
Associate Professor for Government at the Department of Government
Before joining the Department of Government, Christopher was Lecturer in European Politics at University College London. He has also held positions as John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, and as Thyssen Postdoc Fellow at the Center for Comparative Politics, University of Cologne. He obtained his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Christopher's research interests are in democratic representation, political behavior and public opinion, with a special focus on politics in the European Union. His research studies how citizens form their political views towards and in response to democratic politics, and if, when, and how political elites adopt these views in their legislative behavior. Christopher is also interested in new advances in quantitative methods in the areas of survey experiments, text analysis, multivariate measurement, and time-series-cross-section analysis. For his work on government responsiveness in the Council of the EU he received a “Best Article Award” by the American Political Science Association in 2018.
You can find more information on Christopher's website and on Google Scholar.
Publications prior to position at University of Vienna:
2020 ‘Contestation and Responsiveness in EU Council Deliberations’, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 27:3, pp. 362-381. (with Sara B. Hobolt) |
2019 ‘Public Deliberations in the Council of the European Union: Introducing and Validating the DICEU Approach’, in: European Union Politics, 20:3, pp. 511-533. (with Sara B. Hobolt) |
2019 ‘Representing the Compromise: How Institutions Serve Government Support Coalitions in European Union Policy-Making’, in: European Journal of Political Research, 58:4, pp. 1129-1151. (with Fabio Franchino) |
2019 ‘Testing the Validity of Automatic Speech Recognition for Political Text Analysis’, in: Political Analysis, 27:3, pp. 339-359. (with Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jens Wäckerle) |
2019 ‘Territorial Representation and the Opinion-Policy Linkage: Evidence from the European Union’, in: American Journal of Political Science, 63:1, pp. 197-211. |
2018 ‘Modes of Government Responsiveness in the European Union: Evidence from Council Negotiation Positions’, in: European Union Politics, 19:1, pp. 52-74. |
2018 ‘Dodging the Bullet: How Crises Trigger Technocrat-Led Governments’, in: European Journal of Political Research, 57:2, pp. 450-72. (with Giulia Pastorella) |
2017 ‘Government Responsiveness in the European Union: Evidence from Council Voting’, in: Comparative Political Studies, 50:6, pp. 850-67. (with Sara Hagemann and Sara B. Hobolt) |