Zeige Ergebnisse 711 - 720 von 1315
Kritzinger S. Effekte der Medien- und Parteikommunikation auf Änderungen der Wahlabsicht während des Wahlkampfs. 2015. Beitrag in Conference of the Research Group 'Communication, Media, Politics, Mainz, Deutschland.
Haselmayer M, Jenny M. Defending the Home Turf? The impact of issue competence and issue salience on negative campaigning strategies. 2015. Beitrag in 5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Vienna, Österreich.
Kernecker T, Jenny M. District versus party representation: Which part of the (s)electoral connection matters?. 2015.
Wagner M. Mainstreaming the radical right?. 2015. Beitrag in Manifesto Project User Conference 2015, Berlin, Deutschland.
Ennser-Jedenastik L. Credibility Versus Control: Agency Independence and Partisan Influence in the Regulatory State. Comparative Political Studies. 2015 Jun 3;48(7):823-853. doi: 10.1177/0010414014558259
Jenny M. "Extreme Parliamentarism" in the Austrian First Republic. 2015. Beitrag in International Workshop on Historical Parliamentarism: Early Instances, Evolution, and Political Consequences, Oslo, Norwegen.
Kritzinger S, Plescia C. Types of electoral accountability and electoral behavior. 2015. Beitrag in EUI-Workshop ‘Beyond the Democratic Deficit: Political Representation & Differential Policy Responsiveness in the European Union’, Florenz, Italien.
Kritzinger S, Johann D, Smith C. Implicite attitudes and inconsistent issue voting: the example of the radical right vote. 2015. Beitrag in 1st Gothenborg-Barcelona Workshop on Experimental Political Science, Gothenborg, Schweden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 711 - 720 von 1315