Zeige Ergebnisse 1011 - 1020 von 1312
Sieberer U, Müller WC, Heller M. Reforming the Rules of the Parliamentary Game: Measuring and Explaining Changes in Parliamentary Rules in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, 1945-2010. West European Politics. 2011;34(5):948-975.
Treib O, Bähr H, Falkner G. Social Policy and Environmental Policy: Comparing Modes of Governance. in Diedrichs U, Wessels W, Hrsg., The Dynamics of Change in EU Governance: Policy-making and System Evolution. Edward Elgar Publ. 2011. S. 103-131
Falkner G, Sindbjerg Martinsen D. Social Policy: Problem-solving gaps, partial exits and court-decision traps. in Falkner G, Hrsg., The EU's Decision Traps. Unknown publisher. 2011. S. 128-144
Pultar A, Fink M. Study on Flexicurity: Measuring the impact of flexicurity policies on the EU labour market; report on a research project commissioned by the European Commssion, DG EMPL. (zusammen mit Karin Schönpflug, Ulrich Schuh and Iain Paterson, Institut für Höhere Studien, Wien). 2011. 1000 S.
Müller WC. Successful Failure: Ill-conceived pre-commitments and welcome bargaining failure paving the way to minorty government in Austria. in The Puzzle of Government Formation: Coalition Theory and Deviant Cases. London: Routledge. 2011. S. 88-111
Falkner G. The EU's Decision Traps and their Exits: A Concept for Comparative Analysis. in Falkner G, Hrsg., The EU's Decision Traps and their Exits: Comparing Policies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2011. S. 1-17
Dolezal M, Ennser-Jedenastik L, Müller WC, Winkler AK. The Life Cycle of Party Manifestos: Exploration into the Austrian Case. 2011.
Jenny M, Müller WC, Eder N. The political relevance of "Weak Ties": Personal cross-party bonds in European parliaments. Unknown publisher. 2011.
Pirker P. Über die unheimliche Harmonie am Lande. Persönliche Anmerkungen zu zerstörter und kultivierter Erinnerung. in Belndorfer H, Hrsg., Subjekt des Erinnerns?. Drava Verlag. 2011. (Zwischenwelt: Jahrbuch für Kultur und Literatur des Exils und des Widerstands).
Zeige Ergebnisse 1011 - 1020 von 1312