Zeige Ergebnisse 461 - 470 von 1313
Nyhuis D, Plescia C. The nonideological component of coalition preferences. Party Politics. 2018 Nov 1;24(6):686-697. Epub 2017 Feb 17. doi: 10.1177/1354068817690933
Eberl JM, Plescia C. Coalitions in the news: How saliency and tone in news coverage influence voters' preferences and expectations about coalitions. Electoral Studies. 2018 Okt;55:30-39. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2018.07.004
Morisi D. Choosing the risky option: Information and risk propensity in referendum campaigns. Public Opinion Quarterly. 2018 Sep 15;82(3):447-469.
Kritzinger S, Praprotnik K. Frauen in politischen Führungspositionen: ein Blick über den Tellerrand . 2018.
Mueller S, Schneider A, Duvinage A, Suchy C, Haller B, Scherr J et al. Development and validation of a standardized method to quantify the oxygen pulse curve during cardiopulmonary exercise testing. European Heart Journal. 2018 Aug;39:82-82.
Morisi D, Plescia C. Learning from the other side: how social networks influence turnout in a referendum campaign. Italian Political Science Review. 2018 Jul;48(2):155-175. Epub 2018 Jan 21. doi: 10.1017/ipo.2017.30
Ennser-Jedenastik L, Meyer T. The impact of party cues on manual coding of political texts. Political Science Research and Methods. 2018 Jul;6(3):625-633. Epub 2017 Sep 29. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2017.29
Kaltenegger M, Heugl K, Müller WC. Appeasement and Rewards: Explaining Patterns of Party Responsiveness towards Activist Preferences. 2018. Beitrag in European Political Science Association Annual Conference 2018, Wien, Österreich.
Haselmayer M, Hirsch L, Jenny M. Same same but different? Asymmetric perceptions of party issue strategies. 2018. Beitrag in European Political Science Association Annual Conference 2018, Wien, Österreich.
Müller WC, Strobl D, Bäck H, Angelova M. Prime Minister Powers and Reform Productivity across Western European Multiparty Governments. 2018. Beitrag in European Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Wien, Österreich.
Zeige Ergebnisse 461 - 470 von 1313