Zeige Ergebnisse 881 - 890 von 1312
Fink M. Governance New (?): Problems auf Remodeling Social Benefit Systems (in Times of Economic Turbulences). Austrian and Comparative European Perspectives. in Mazal W, Hrsg., How to Cope With?: Social Security in Times of Economic Turbulences. Vienna: Unknown publisher. 2013
Bergman T, Ecker A, Müller WC. How Parties Govern: Political Parties and the Internal Organization of Government. in Müller WC, Narud HM, Hrsg., Party Governance and Party Democracy. Springer New York LLC. 2013. S. 33-50. (Studies in Public Choice).
Kritzinger S, Banducci S, Giebler H. Information, Party Placement and Electoral Competition. 2013. Beitrag in ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Mainz 2013, Mainz, Deutschland.
Brocza S. Kenia in der Klauselfalle. Südwind-Magazin für Internationale Politik, Kultur und Entwicklung. 2013;(11/2013).
Meyer T, Wagner M. Mainstream or niche? Vote-seeking incentives and the programmatic strategies of political parties. Comparative Political Studies. 2013;46(10):1246-1272 . Epub 2013 Jul 2. doi: 10.1177/0010414013489080
Meyer T, Jenny M. Measuring error for adjacent policy position estimates: Dealing with uncertainty using CMP data. Electoral Studies. 2013;32(1):174-185. Epub 2012 Aug 31. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2012.08.003
Müller WC, (ed.), Narud HM, (ed.). Party Governance and Party Democracy. New York: Springer, 2013. 276 S. (Studies in Public Choice).
Müller WC, Narud HM. Party Governance and Party Democracy. in Müller WC, Narud HM, Hrsg., Party Governance and Party Democracy. Springer Science+Business Media. 2013. S. 1-12. (Studies in Public Choice).
Ennser-Jedenastik L. Party Politics and the Survival of Central Bank Governors. Unknown publisher. 2013.
Zeige Ergebnisse 881 - 890 von 1312