In its research and teaching, the Department of Government primarily focuses on comparative and Austrian politics. Its research is concerned with political behaviour, political actors, such as political parties and politicians, political institutions, the processes governed by these institutions, as well as their outcomes. It includes work on political participation, voting behaviour, parties and party competition, coalition politics and Austrian politics in general and is mostly based on rationalist and behavioural approaches.
Our goal is to conduct high-level, internationally competitive research in the area of Comparative Politics with the collaboration of international project partners and research networks. At the Faculty of Social Sciences the department is mainly engaged in the key research area ''Political Competition and Communication: Democratic Representation in Changing Societies'.
The department’s approach places it in the discipline’s empirical-analytical core and is mostly based on quantitative social science methods. To map empirical phenomena accurately, researcher in the department focus on the continuous development of survey design, as well as on the analysis of empirical data by applying the best suited statistical model. The department aims to achieve the best work on Austrian politics and to make important contributions to the international academic literature on Comparative Government and Politics.
An overview of current publications and activities at the department can be found below and on the personal websites of our team.
Amerika geteilt, Österreich geeint: Wie sich parteipolitische Polarisierung in der Corona-Krise ausdrückt
- Author(s)
- Nico Büttner, Julia Partheymüller
- Abstract
Viele Regierungen versuchen in der Corona-Krise, die nationale Einheit zu beschwören. Dies steht im markanten Gegensatz zum Phänomen der politischen Polarisierung, das in vielen westlichen Demokratien in den vergangenen Jahren verstärkt zum Ausdruck kam, was soweit gehen kann, dass Parteianhänger*innen die Realität ganz unterschiedlich wahrnehmen. Umfragedaten aus den Vereinigten Staaten legen nahe, dass die US-amerikanische Bevölkerung in ihren Einschätzungen über die Corona-Krise anhand parteipolitischer Bruchlinien gespalten ist. Vergleichende Analysen für Österreich zeigen dagegen eher kleine Parteiunterschiede in der Gefahrenwahrnehmung durch das Virus, die im Zeitverlauf seit Beginn unserer Messungen weiter an Bedeutung verloren haben.
- Organisation(s)
- Department of Government
- Publication date
- 05-2020
- Austrian Fields of Science 2012
- 506012 Political systems
- Portal url