Wir freuen uns Klaudia Wegschaider als Visiting PhD an unserem Institut begrüßen zu dürfen!
Wir freuen uns Iasmin Goes als Research Fellow an unserem Institut begrüßen zu dürfen!
Wir gratulieren Emmerich Tálos herzlich zum Erhalt des Lebenswerk-Preises für seine Analysen zu Sozialpolitik, Sozialstaat und Sozialpartnerschaft....
Die Anhebung des Arbeitslosengeldes ist gesellschaftspolitisch notwendig
Lesen Sie hier den Beitrag vom 11. August 2021
Democratic Persuasion: Strengthening Citizen Commitment to Democracy
`Rally round the flag´: the COVID 19 crisis and trust in the national government lautet der frisch erschienene Artikel bei Taylor & Franics Online....
Matthew Bergman co-authored a book on Party Personnel Strategies that was recently published by the Oxford University Press on 27th May 2021.
The ERC Starting Grant project led by Ass.-Prof. Carolina Plescia had its kick-off meeting with the project Advisory Board on 2 June 2021. We look...
Carolina Plescia, researcher at the Department of Government is a new member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).
How Fathers´ Leave Shapes Attitudes Toward Gender Equality
Keynote Address of Matthew Bergman on 9 April 2021 at the CEU’s 16th Annual Doctoral Conference, titled ‘Dis/Continuities of 21st Century Political...
Interview with Matthew Bergman on 16th March 2021 with the news broadcasting Poland In, World Today about the election in the Netherlands.