
We are pleased to welcome Christina Gahn as University Assistant Postdoc at our department and wish her every success in her new position!


We are pleased to welcome Michael Imre as Post Doc in the project ‘Why this abundance of constitutional law in Austria’ by Wolfgang C. Müller and wish...


We are happy to welcome Iris Schimscha as a student assistant in our department and wish her a good start!


On 1 December 2024, the Department of Government celebrated its 50th anniversary and to celebrate this event, there was a big anniversary party on 23...


We are happy to welcome Manès Weisskircher as Senior Research Fellow at our department in February and wish him a good time at the University of...


We are looking for a university assistant (predoc) in research areas represented at the Department of Government, especially on political...


We are happy to welcome Simone Luck as Visiting PhD at our department and wish him a good time at the University of Vienna.


We are happy to welcome Zeynep Beyza Yildizdan within the project 'Citizen-centered Democratic

Innovation' by Carolina Plescia at the department and...


Unfortunately, today's guest lecture by Sarah Dingler has to be cancelled.


The Vienna Doctoral College on Digital Humanism, an interdisciplinary doctoral training programme addressing critical societal challenges in the...


We are looking for a university assistant (post doc) in research areas represented at the Department of Government, especially political...


Die neuen Daten der AUTNES Online Panel Study 2017–2024 (verfügbar in Deutsch und Englisch) wurden vom Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA)...