Data release by AUTNES Supply Side and Media Side


We are glad to announce the release of a whole series of datasets by the AUTNES Supply Side as well as an add-on to the AUTNES Manual Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2013.

The AUTNES Supply Side is glad to announce the release of a whole series of datasets. Most of the data are related to the 2013 national election in Austria. Here you find the full list of datasets now available at the GESIS data repository.

An add-on to the AUTNES Manual Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2013 has been released on GESIS (ZA6886) as well. It supplements the original media content analysis and focuses on actors and issues. Furthermore, the AUTNES Pre- and Post Survey 2013 has undergone minor revisions and was updated to version 2.0.1.

Please find a full overview on all AUTNES data released to this day at