EPSA Konferenz 2024 in Köln


Starke Präsenz des Instituts für Staatwissenschaft bei EPSA Konferenz in Köln

Bei der diesjährigen EPSA-Konferenz haben 25 Mitarbeiter*innen des Instituts für Staatswissenschaft teilgenommen! Eine Vielzahl von Papers wurden von den Mitarbeiter*innen präsentiert, z.B. zu Wahlbeteiligung, Parteistrategien, Umfrageforschung uvm.:

Elena Heinz The Power of Perceived Threat: Examining the Differential Effects of Realistic and Symbolic Threat on Partisan Prejudice

Christina Gahn, Simon Kruschinski Parties’ strategies for targeting and tailoring issue messages in political campaigns

Florian Sichart, Markus Wagner Disentangling the Intertwined: The Limits of Conjoint Designs in a Stereotyped World

Jeanne Marlier The causal effect of independent candidacies on electoral participation: the French case

Matthias Kaltenegger, Wolfgang C. Müller The Transformation of the Party Congress 

Isabella Rebasso, Semih Cakir, Markus Wagner From Leader Profiles to Voter Perceptions: Sociodemographic and Policy Cues

Michael Imre, Wolfgang C. Müller Explaining the Frequency of Constitutional Amendments in Austria

Ida Hjermitslev, Svenja Krauss How do voters evaluate coalition formation and portfolio allocation?

Ulrich Sieberer, Thomas M. Meyer, Koichi Osamura, David Schmuck Explaining changes in the distribution of policy competencies in multiparty governments

Bartolomeo Cappellina, Dylan Paltra, Christopher Wratil How Do Citizens Think About Representation? Evidence from In-Depth Interviews and Focus Groups in Five Countries

Dylan Paltra, Bartolomeo Cappellina, Christopher Wratil The Citizens' Concept of Representation: Evidence from an Open-Ended Questions Survey

Semih Cakir, Markus Wagner Multidimensional Party Competition and Out-Partisan Hostility

Markus Wagner, Semih Cakir, Alexander Dalheimer, Eelco Harteveld Sources of Ideological Images of Opposing Party Supporters across 12 Countries

Manuel Wagner Social mobility and the link between descriptive and substantive representation of the working class

Katharina Pfaff, Sylvia Kritzinger Considering Respondents’ Preferences: The Effects of Self-Selecting Political Content in Web Survey Questionnaires

Anna Lia Brunetti Natural disasters, retrospective and prospective voting

Oliver Huwyler Citizens’ Perception of Moonlighting Politicians as a Function of Their Public Office

Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik, Theres Matthieß, Katrin Praprotnik, Juha Ylisalo Coalition Architecture and the Acceptability of Unfulfilled Election Pledges: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Finland

Carolina Plescia, María Belén Abdala In or out? A study on how parties decide whom to include as candidates and whom to exclude

Beatriz Lasheras Mas, Carolina Plescia, Julia Partheymueller, Sylvia Kritzinger Holding onto the Basket Despite a 'Bad Apple': Experimental Insights into Perceptions of Scandals Across 15 European Countries

Sofia Marini Party factions and party change: does intra-party ideological heterogeneity affect policy positions? WFPP - Wings & Factions in Political Parties

Alexander Dalheimer "They Just Don’t Get Us": Felt Understanding as a Driver of Affective Polarization and Avoidance Behavior

Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik, Matthias Kaltenegger What should the President do? Voters’ partisan calculations and norm conceptions in a semipresidential regime Oliver Huwyler, Florence Ecormier-Nocca,

Jeanne Marlier, Manuel Wagner, Laurenz EnnserJedenastik Party Insiderness: Concept, Measurement, and Validation