The welcoming speech was given by Univ.-Prof. Folker Hanusch. Afterwards Head of the Department Univ.-Prof. Dr Sylvia Kritzinger led through the programme with wit and charm.
Our guests of honour Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang C. Müller, Dr Eva Zeglovits and Prof. Dr Edgar Grande reported on the historical development of the department and its significance in a national and international context.
International colleagues sent birthday greetings via video messages and Prof. Dr Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik gave an insight into the life and experiences of the scientists.
Last but not least, a review and outlook on past and current research was of course a must.
We rounded off the evening with a vote on the topic of ‘your most hilarious feedback...’ and a get-together with a buffet and party.
We would like to thank everyone involved for this wonderful and unforgettable event!