Welcome to the Department of Government !

The Department of Government covers a wide range of political science topics in Austrian and Comparative Politics. Research and teaching mainly focus on political representation, party competition, political institutions, political economy and political behavior.

Further information on our team, current research projects and teaching can be found on the following pages.

Information on research of the research center 'Vienna Center for Electoral Research (VieCER)' can be found on the webpage of VieCER.


On 1 December 2024, the Department of Government celebrated its 50th anniversary and to celebrate this event, there was a big anniversary party on 23...

We are happy to welcome Manès Weisskircher as Senior Research Fellow at our department in February and wish him a good time at the University of...

We are looking for a university assistant (predoc) in research areas represented at the Department of Government, especially on political...

We are happy to welcome Simone Luck as Visiting PhD at our department and wish him a good time at the University of Vienna.

We are happy to welcome Zeynep Beyza Yildizdan within the project 'Citizen-centered Democratic

Innovation' by Carolina Plescia at the department and...

Unfortunately, today's guest lecture by Sarah Dingler has to be cancelled.

The Vienna Doctoral College on Digital Humanism, an interdisciplinary doctoral training programme addressing critical societal challenges in the...

We are looking for a university assistant (post doc) in research areas represented at the Department of Government, especially political...

Die neuen Daten der AUTNES Online Panel Study 2017–2024 (verfügbar in Deutsch und Englisch) wurden vom Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA)...

The Department of Government kindly invites you to the Seminar Series Talk by Delia Zollinger.

Wahlorientierungstools sollen Wähler*innen dabei helfen, sich einen Überblick über die inhaltlichen Positionen verschiedener wahlwerbender Parteien zu...

The position is offered within the MULTIREP project funded by a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (September 2023 – August 2028) and...

News Archive


Pitch a Thesis - online: Forschung und (Berufs-)Praxis für Sozialwissenschaftler*innen

Am 16. Juni, 13:00 bis 14:30 Uhr stellen Studierende aus dem Sowi-Bereich den Forschungszweck ihrer Abschlussarbeit vor.


Announcement: post doc position for 4,25 years; application deadline: 30.05.

For a person with excellent knowledge of quantitative methods in the social sciences and interest in data science.


The Effects of a Wall: Gender Attitudes and Political Gender Gaps in Unified Germany